call for application click here for more information

AGYI-IF 2nd Call for Proposal
African-German Youth Initiative Innovation Fund: The second Call for Applications open!
The German Federal Government together with the African Union Commission (AUC) have launched the second open call for project proposals under the African-German Youth Initiative (AGYI) Innovation Fund.
The aim of the AGYI-IF is to improve and innovate youth exchange and mobility between African countries and Germany and to develop essential competencies and skills among young individuals from African countries and Germany by focussing on sustainable global development and strengthening the idea of ‘global citizenship’ by reaching directly out to relevant stakeholder (exchange practitioners, alumni).
Eligible for funding are projects in the fields of:
- enabling African alumni from German-African youth exchange programs to act as multipliers for youth exchange and youth voluntary services
- promotion of innovative and inclusive approaches of African-German or trilateral youth exchange for skills development in line with the SDGs and the AU Agenda 2063 and
- promoting innovative community-based change projects within the context of African-German youth exchange and voluntary youth services to implement the AU Agenda 2063 and/or the SDGs
Who can apply?
For field 1 applicants have to be 14 -35, for the other fields there are no age restrictions. Applicants have to be registered as a non-profit organisation in Benin, Togo, Ghana, South Africa or Tanzania. There is an option for non-registered youth groups to apply through a parent organisation.
The proposals’ budget should be between EUR 2.000 to EUR 12.000 and the implementation period should not exceed 5 months.
For further, more detailed information please refer to the CfP2 Manual and its Annexes (on this website). Please find below additionally the information of the national focal points:
- South Africa
- WESSA – focal point: Mike Denison. ( mike.denison@wessa.co.za)
- Tanzania
- TYC – focal point: George Kessy (kessy@tzyc.org)
- Benin, also a hub for Togo and Ghana:
- GIZ AGYI Benin – focal point Fawaz Ayah (ayah@giz.de)
Interested applicants from Benin, Ghana, Togo, South Africa and Tanzania are invited to submit their project proposals until 29th February 2020 midnight South Africa time using the following link: www.agyi-applications.org.
Old News
Description of Summit
The Annual Youth Education & Empowerment Summit is an international youth focused summit on education, participation, engagement and empowerment endorsed by the Government of Liberia recognizing it as the premier gathering for youth on the continent. The summit has been running since 2016 and keeps getting better and promising each other year. It serves as a platform that brings together hundreds of young leaders, edupreneurs, Futurepreneurs, entrepreneurs and innovators from across Africa and the rest of the world. This provides an opportunity for youth of different continents or regions to collaborate, share best practices and challenge their thinking during interactive plenary sessions and debates. This year, AYEESummit18 which would be held in Monrovia-Liberia focuses on accessing the AU’s Agenda 2063 vis-à-vis Post Election Related issues of Liberia with special focus on how young people can be put at the center of this development framework especially in areas of Youth Development and activism, Women’s Economic Empowerment, Entrepreneurship and Education at all levels drawing special attention to the post-election recommendations and increase of Gender based Violence on Continent.
Scholarship Benefits
- Accommodation,
- Feeding
- Local Transportation to be covered by the organizers. Delegates must cover their cost of transportation to and from Liberia.
- Access to all Summit activities including networking, sightseeing and cultural fiesta
- An opportunity to become member of AYEESummit alumni network
- Benefit from different funding opportunities presented by development partners across Africa
- Certificate of Participation
Eligibility Criteria
- Young person between the ages of 18-29years
- Excellent interpersonal skills
- Culturally Competent
- Have experience working in teams of diverse background
- Personally motivated for social change and impact.
- Fluency in English Language.
- Young persons with experience in governance, elections, women’s economic empowerment, education, entrepreneurship as well as youth development and participation are strongly encouraged to apply.
Apply here : www.ayeesummit.org
Contact for more information: info@ayeesummit.org
Application Open for International Sustainability School 2018
International Sustainability School helps learners re-establish relationship with nature and learn the wisdom embedded in age-old rural communities. It brings together young change makers from around the globe to become sustainability leaders called the Sustainability Fellows by offering them inspiration, ideas and network. This program involves a self-exploratory trek, thematic workshops, an opportunity to connect with nature and indigenous communities in Nepal.
- Program date and place: 2-13 September 2018, Kenya
- Program Fee: US $ 800 (Few scholarships available)
Deadline: 10 August 2018
Call for Applications
ASA Autumn School for Sustainable Entrepreneurship
22 – 26 October 2018, Stuttgart (Germany)
Click here to Apply
Deadline 24 June 2018
Wote ambao watafanya maombi, TYC itakua tayari kuwasaidia katika maombi yao.
Congratulations on your selection
TYC draws its congratulations remarks to the following selected candidates of IB volunteer service of 2018 in Germany
The Obama Foundation seeks to identify a group of emerging African leaders from all sectors — government, civil society, and the private sector — who have demonstrated a commitment to advancing the common good. The objective of the program is to build a growing network of innovative and ethical changemakers, who seek to drive positive change in their communities. Successful candidates will have a demonstrated potential for impact, a clear commitment to integrity, and a commitment to stay engaged with the Obama Foundation throughout the year and beyond. We are interested in talented individuals who are on the right trajectory at earlier stages of their journey, as well as those who have already attained success.
The inaugural class of the Leaders Africa Program will convene in Johannesburg, South Africa from July 14 through July 18, 2018, as well as participate in robust online activities throughout the year. The Obama Foundation will cover costs related to economy class travel, lodging, and meals throughout the July 14-18 portion of the program.
Applications should be submitted via the link below, no later than 6:00 PM ET (11:00 PM GMT) on March 25, 2018.
We will notify applicants of their status via email on a rolling basis beginning on April 27, 2018.
Candidate Criteria
- Citizen of an African country
- Fluent in English (verbal and written)
- Emerging leaders from all sectors approximately between 24-40 years of age
- Available to travel to Johannesburg, South Africa from July 14 through July 18, 2018
- Civically minded with a track record of impact
- A clear commitment to integrity
- A commitment to stay engaged with the Obama Foundation throughout the year and beyond
- Ability and inclination to positively transform the future of Africa or their community

Send your current CV and motivation letter to email
Please note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for interview.
Old News
The AGYI Forum 29 – 31 October 2017, in Dar es Salaam
Under the AGYI project, where TYC is implementing partner, a very important workshop took place. Participants from BMZ, EG, NEEC, sending and receiving organisations of volunteers and other organization who are doing youth exchange redefined partnerships and defined their impact for youth exchange for sustainable development (SDG 17) during these two days.
See what the media said: