Since 2014
Partner: Deutsch-Tansanische-Partnerschaft e.V. (DTP), Germany
Program for international understanding and renewable energies in Tanzania
Funded by: Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Germany
The volunteer program is a one-year program for German volunteers to learn and work in organizations in Tanzania in the areas of renewable energies, climate, and environmental protection. The volunteer program is meant to give volunteers the opportunity to collect intercultural experiences, share ideas on how to utilize renewable energies for sustainable energy provision, and exchange ideas in mutual practical and theoretical work.
TYC acts as the local Tanzanian coordinating organization for the volunteer program. In collaboration with Deutsch-Tansanische-Partnerschaft (DTP), TYC identifies and recruits personnel, hosting places for volunteer placement and suitable homes for the volunteers. In close collaboration with the Hosting organizations, TYC cares for the volunteers throughout their stay in Tanzania and carries out administrative activities with Host Organizations. All volunteers are monitored and advised on their work and social life by TYC during their stay.
More information: https://dtpev.de/freiwilligenprojekte/klima