NO | Project | Year | Funding Sources |
1 | Funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented in partnership TYC, T-MARC, together with CARE Tanzania and Y-Labs in Dar es salaam, Morogoro and Zanzibar. Kijana nahodha is an ongoing 4 years project to reach 45,000 youth directly and 200,000 youth indirectly; build the capacity of 700 healthcare providers and community health workers/peer educators; and fund and strengthen 5 youth-led and youth serving organizations alongside the public and private sectors. | 2022-2026 | United States Agency for International Development (USAID) |
2 | Kilimo Sauti project, funded by AGRA, is an ongoing initiative aimed at empowering youth in the agricultural sector. Its objectives include: Enhancing youth influence in policy and decision-making, Strengthening their participation in youth institutions within the sector, Improving their capacity in agribusiness and This project seeks to create a more inclusive and youth-driven agricultural landscape. | 2024-2027 | AGRA |
3 | EYIGEL – Boresha Maisha ya Vijana project, funded by WE EFFECT aims to improve youth livelihoods in agriculture and entrepreneurship for sustainable development. With 11,606 direct beneficiaries and a reach of 10 million people, it focuses on strengthening youth-led organizations, increasing economic opportunities, enhancing gender resilience, and ensuring equitable access to development budgets. | 2022-2027 | WE-EFFECT |
4 | Y-Engage is an ongoing 5 years research-based project funded by DANIDA and implemented in partnership with the University of Copenhagen, University of Dar es Salaam and Ardhi University Tanzania to assess youth understanding and experience of climate change, and factors that influence their engagement in climate change response in Singida, ikunga, Mtwara, Rufiji, kiteto, and longido | 2021-2026 | DANIDA |
5 | This is an ongoing project in Arusha, Tanga and Mwanza regions, Tanzania which is funded by European Union through We Effect. It is coordinated by We-Effect and implemented in partnership with Tanzania Women Lawyers Association (TAWLA) as a continuation of the previous project WYPRE with the aim of increasing inclusion of women and youth in democratic processes from local to national level | 2020-2023 | European Union (EU) |
6 | Kijana Tambua Afya ya Akili (KITAA) is a Swahili phrase to create youth awareness on mental health problems. KITAA was a five-months pilot project funded by Agha Khan Foundation, and targeted youth aged 17-24 in six wards of Temeke district namely Kurasini, Miburani, Keko, Temeke, Tandika and Makanga . | Nov 2021 up 2022 March | Aga Khan Foundation |
7 | African German Youth Initiative (AGYI) The project expanded youth’s personal horizons for acquiring life and employment-related skills through volunteerism, and international and local youth exchanges in the context of education for sustainable development. | 2018-2020 | Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) |
8 | Weltwärts Volunteer Program The program was funded by Deutsch -Tanzanische Partnershaft (DTP) under the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). It intended to enhance global understanding among different peoples and cultures through international volunteerism whereby Tanzanian volunteers went to learn and work in Germany organizations and German volunteers went to learn and work in Tanzania in the field of education, renewable energies, climate and environmental protection. | 2017-2020 | Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) |
9 | Funded by the European Union through We Effect this project was implemented from 2016 to 2019 in Arusha, Tanga and Mwanza regions, Tanzania. The project was coordinated by We-Effect and implemented in partnership with Tanzania Women lawyers Association (TAWLA), Tanzania Youth Coalition (TYC) to address barriers that prevent youth and women participation in political processes to increase their participation at local and national levels in the 2019 local and 2020 general elections in Tanzania | 2017- 2019 | European Union (EU) |
10 | Documentaries on Innovation (Film Camp). TYC in partnership with Landesvereinigung Kulturelle Jugendbildung (LKJ) of Germany organized a practical training Film Camp to increase youth skills and creativity for decent jobs and infrastructure in the film industry. The project brought together Tanzanian and German youths and took place in Stuttgart, Germany and Dodoma, Tanzania. | 2019 | Engagement Global (EG) |
11 | Funded by the National Democratic Institute (NDI) Tanzania, TYC, brought together youth, women and people with disabilities to assess their inclusion in local elections processes including voters’ registration, participation as candidates and voting; provided recommendations for better engagement in 2020 general election. | 2019 | National Democratic Institute (NDI) |